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Dear Parent/Guardian,


Thank you for your interest BBTMusic Summer SMART Program. This scholarship program offers financial assistance to Massachusetts’ families with children between the ages of 5 and 14, who cannot afford the full cost of the program and meet Massachusetts State Median Guidelines. Scholarships are limited and are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Also note, scholarships are rarely if ever, given to cover the cost of full summer of sessions. Please complete and return the attached forms. All portions of the application must be completed before review.


If you have yet to submit summer program registration forms, please submit with this application.  In order to qualify for a scholarship, you must fall within one of the following categories and provide the indicated paperwork with the application:


1. You work at least 30 hours per week. You must submit four recent pay stubs.

2. You are a student and attend class for at least 5 hours per day. You must submit a class schedule for the summer semester and monthly income statements.

3. You are medically incapable of caring for your child. You must submit a letter from your physician stating reasons you cannot care for the child and monthly income statements. If more than one parent/guardian resides in the household, both need to fall into one of the categories listed above. Scholarship eligibility is based on your income and the fee is determined by the Massachusetts Sliding Fee Scale. Anyone on a scholarship is required to pay the designated program deposit at the time of scholarship acceptance and meet the required payment schedule. Failure to adhere to the above guidelines will be grounds for immediate termination.

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